Friday, May 07, 2021

I have decided to renew this blog

 I have been spending quite some time thinking and working through the argument from reason once again. Maybe there will be a sequel to my C. S. Lewis's Dangerous Idea. In the last 10 years, I have been in an exchange with David Kyle Johnson which began in Gregory Bassham ed. (Rodopi-Brill, 2015), and followed that up with an essay called "Extending the Debate on the Argument from Reason," which came out in Philosophia Christi vol 20 issue 2. I have been doing some things on the related matter of the Anscombe Legend, and I am working on a response to Peter van Inwagen's critique of the AFR, and recently did an interview on the argument with Parker Settecase, found here. 


At 8/01/2021 03:47:00 AM , Blogger Wessel Smit said...

Good afternoon, i was wondering if you ever wrote a reply to Johnson’s paper “retiring The argument from reason”. Did Johnson accurately refute The argument from C.S. Lewis?

At 8/01/2021 03:47:00 AM , Blogger Wessel Smit said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 11/11/2021 07:49:00 PM , Blogger bbigej said...

Any update on the van inwagen reply?


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